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Czech Casting 3339

Marketa (22)

Now if this girl didn’t already have a successful modeling career, she’d be a professional gold digger for sure. She’s the flame that attracts men regardless of age and financial situation… We knew there are some beautiful Czech models around, willing to challenge the authority of The White Couch, but we didn’t expect them to appear so soon in our little dream project. Marketa is a power of nature. She almost made the camera itself fall over and die of a deadly heart attack/heart break combination when she took her clothes off. So classy, so likeable, so sexy! Damn! We were almost scared to ask if she’d be willing to have sex with our cameraman…

Czech Taxi 14
Cure by squirting

Cure by squirting

Czechtaxi is hitting the road again! Get in! The most prolific Prague taxi driver has embarked on a career as a GP. His first patient appeared on the horizon. A lovely girl, but she is sneezy. How about sweating it out skin to skin? I’m a GP on wheels and I can take your temperature, babe! Our doctor prescribes her squirting treatment. Sweet Geez! The chick is like a water cannon. She is yelling and the doctor is banging her with the thermometer. Fuck-o-therapy is a powerful tool. I’ll squirt your sniffle out of you! An amazing ride. Check it out!

Czech Casting 2184

Kamila (22)

At first it seemed like a hurricane stormed our villa. That was the power and energy Kamila came with. Hottie from the North, with hair like raven feather and chocolate skin. We don’t see gypsies on casting often. When they come, they usually aren’t very likely to have career in this business. But when the right gypsy comes, then it all gets wild. I have seen a few beautiful gypsies, but I bow my hat in front of Kamila. She is one of the best! She looks amazing, her body looks like carved from marble. Can you understand nobody is fucking her? I cannot! I’d fuck her all day long, no breaks. It’s so hot how shy she is. But she’s hard to get. All she wants to do is act, nothing more. I wonder how stubborn she will be when Ales grabs her ass. What do you think? What are you waiting for? Just watch Kamila!!!


Day 6 - Foot Kinky orgy

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