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Day 3 - Big Dick Worship

Day 3 - Big Dick Worship

4:30 p.m. - The lobby is crowded, it's hot. More people have gathered and we barely have room to walk. Everybody's fucking amongst themselves. This is worse than a car boot sale. Irma's attracted to a dark-haired guy with a really big dick, he's having a moment with a punk girl. Above this pair, two girls are making out and fingering their cunts, getting the attention of all the men. Whoever isn't fucking someone is standing and watching the others jerking off their dicks. Irma circles around the couple I get the feeling she wants to join them. The IT dude has another woman at his ass, rimming and fingering him while he fucks a girl in a glory hole. She's totally enjoying it. The receptionist catches Irma drooling over a guy with a big dick, which just makes the girl squirt, and offers Irma a spot in the glory hole to give it a try. The blonde is now back at Irma's place with her boyfriend, Irma is obviously shy but we know her and I have a feeling she'll be part of their fuck. Here we go! I just knew it. They pulled Irma's shorts off and the blonde girl fingered Irma's pussy so fast that Irma extremely squirted in the girls face. Now we know what all the thorough and perverse medical examinations were for.

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Czech Casting 0195

Lucie (22)

Better sit down, 'cause you just might faint after seeing this awesome video. Do not watch it if you have a history of heart disease. This is the real deal! Our blondie Lucie didn't come to the casting alone. She is carrying a 4 month old baby! It is questionable why such a nice mother would come to CzechCasting and get naked. The question is – how does she react to the offer of 500 Korunas for fucking on camera. Will she jump right in? Better be ready to call a doctor, because this gets real stressful to watch, real fast. Unbelievable!

Czech Casting 2720

Adela (20)

At first, it seemed like this will be a pretty normal casting session. Even though our girl for today is exceptionally beautiful… Adela was very pleasant and talkative during the interview. We thought she’s just a normal unspoiled girl with dreams of becoming a model. Well, after a while, she revealed that she is already mother and needs money fast, so she’s willing to do anything soft. But! During the photo-shoot, she kinda started to fancy our cameraman. And our cameraman is a man ready to explore any opportunity, so after giving her an oil massage, he immediately started to attack her sweet pussy… Adela melted immediately and although she still tried to keep the scene soft, at least she allowed the guy to cum on her belly. Overall, it was a good day for the Czechcasting project! We just hope her partner at home won’t hear about this.

Czech Casting 8905

Petra (22)

You could say that Petra is an attractive, but otherwise quite ordinary girl. That's how we saw her at first glance… But everything changed during the interview. She said that she lives with her mother and that she made some porn videos recently to get some much needed dough. That's hardcore, huh? Her mom is absolutely pissed and Petra almost ended up on the street. But she got a second chance and now it depends on her… And how will she use it? We don't know what's happening in Petra's head, but it has to be something really weird. No one can explain how fast she appeared on our casting and agreed (totally without any thought) to our offer to let us fuck her for the "incredible" price of five hundred Czech Crowns. I think she can enjoy some happy family time, until her mom looks on the internet this morning and sees how her daughter (still "on probation") fucked a stranger for money on camera. Let's roll!


Day 6 - Foot Kinky orgy

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